Potting And Encapsulating

Potting And Encapsulating

Protecting you device from the ingress of moisture or other materials is very important to ensure a long working life for it.

We offer a full range of potting compounds and encapsulants for protecting your sensitive components from moisture and vibration.

Our Potting And Encapsulating Range

Single-part, modified epoxy adhesive designed for high-precision optical applications, offering excellent transparency and resistance to yellowing.

A bio-based epoxy resin that has been crafted with sustainability in mind, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional petrochemical epoxy resins.

A very high-performance “self-healing” polyurethane resin system.

Light curing flexible potting compound with secondary moisture cure.

Heat cure thermally conductive silicone encapsulant and adhesive.

Low viscosity opalescent polyurethane encapsulant for LED's

Low viscosity optically clear polyurethane encapsulant for LED’s

Low viscosity optically clear silicone encapsulant.

A two-part, low viscosity isocyanate free potting compound.

A two-part, medium viscosity isocyanate free potting compound.

Thermally conductive and flame-retardant epoxy potting and encapsulating compound

Thermally conductive and flame-retardant epoxy potting compound with a high TG

Heat cured silicone encapsulant and adhesive with high thermal conductivity

Two-part heat chemical silicone encapsulant with high thermal conductivity.

Low viscosity flexible two-part polyurethane potting compound

Medium viscosity two-part flexible polyurethane potting compound

A low viscosity extremely flexible two-part Polyurethane potting compound.

Single part moisture curing silicone encapsulant.

Low viscosity extremely soft and re-enterable silicone encapsulant.

Medium viscosity Epoxy potting and encapsulating compound.

Low viscosity unfilled epoxy potting and encapsulating compound

Low viscosity fast curing polyurethane potting compound

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