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Dispensing Consumables Range

Fisnar offers a wide variety of dispensing consumables these include tip and needle types including tapered tips, PTFE tips, blunt end tips, Micro-S precision dispensing tips and stainless steel tips – all with luer lock fittings.
We also offer a range of cartridges, barrels, pistons, caps and barrel adapter kits.
All these dispensing consumables are designed to help ensure easy and accurate dispensing of liquids and pastes.

Dispensing Consumables Range Products

Permabond P-Nozzle

Permabond P-Nozzle for accurate dispensing of cyanoacrylate adhesive.

Dispensing Component Kit that includes a selection of popular tip types and sizes of QuantX™ caps, pistons and syringe barrels

Fisnar PTFE-Lined Dispensing Tips are stainless steel cannula with a PTFE insert lining that projects approximately 1/8” (3.18mm) from the cannula.

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