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Dr. Hönle AG group

The Dr. Hönle AG group produce the highest quality Light Curing systems and equipment that are used in a wide variety of manufacturing processes.

These light curing systems include the curing of medical device assemblies, microelectronics, precision engineering, the optical industry and also in the printing, automobile, aerospace and pharmaceutical sectors. World end product manufacturing leaders in the manufacture of light curable products rely on Honle to ensure that their manufacturing process is both repeatably consistant and in line with current required standards associated with the various industries that they command.

Dr. Hönle AG group Products

Honle LED Cube 350 IC

LED-UV curing chamber working area: 350 x 350 x 320 mm

High intensity hand-held LED curing and fluorescing lamp

High-performance UV spot source for precise curing of UV reactive adhesives and compounds.

High powered UV LED curing system with up to 4 LED heads with extremely long service life.

High performance traditional metal halide bulb type UV spot source.

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