Vehicle Conversion And Panel Repair Adhesive Range
In the conversion of buses , vans and cars for specific uses it is necessary to use a very wide range of adhesives to help achieve the best results. We offer a wide range of adhesives, sealants and panel repair priducts to cater for this market. These products come in a variety of packaging options from small cartridges and aerosols for hand application up to larger bulk sizes which can be used to feed larger dispensing systems.We also offer products with different temperature resistance and solvent blends to suit your particular manufacturing environment or the requirements on the finished product.
Vehicle Conversion And Panel Repair Adhesive Range Products
Aerosol Based General Purpose Contact Adhesive
Tuskbond ONE FR multipurpose Web Spray Contact Adhesive
Tuskbond ONE multipurpose Web Spray Contact Adhesive
High Tack 500ml Aerosol Upholstery Adhesive
High heat resistant contact adhesive
Canister adhesive for expanded polystyrene bonding
PVC coating to prevent water ingress
High solids sprayable contact adhesive suited for bonding curved surfaces
Sprayable Polyurethane contact adhesive for high temperature applications
Sprayable, synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive can be used as a one-way stick product
Sprayable, synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive.
Bituminous sealant and adhesive
Dichloromethane free aerosol Multipurpose Contact Adhesive
Aerosol Based General Purpose Contact Adhesive
MS Polymer adhesive sealant approved for use in food contact areas
Instant grab adhesive based on hybrid technology.
Single part solvent-free water-based panel bonding adhesive suitable for use on porous walls.
High-Temperature resistant contact adhesive
Polyurethane based high temperature contact adhesive
Dichloromethane free contact adhesive with IMO approval
Brushable contact adhesive.
Sprayable Methylene Chloride free contact adhesive.
Polyurethane adhesive sealant.
Clear MS Polymer Adhesive and Sealant
Chemical cure adhesive suitable for PVC cladding on nonporus surfaces
Premium Sanitary Acetoxy Silicone - Anti Fungal
Low viscosity panel repair epoxy
Sprayable, high heat resistant contact adhesive.
Three minute very fast curing Structural MMA Adhesive.