Nullifire FS702 Intumastic Fire Resistant Acrylic Sealant

Nullifire FS702 Intumastic Fire Resistant Acrylic Sealant

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FS702 Intumastic is a water-based acrylic sealant which cures to give a firm but flexible fire seal. Suitable for use in various construction joints offering up to 30% movement capability whilst providing an excellent acoustic and air seal. FS702 is suited for use around non-combustible services, cables, rock fibre insulated non-combustible pipes, using a minimum depth of 25 mm. The product has excellent adhesive qualities and can also be used for the bonding and pointing of joints and service penetrations in conjunction with FB750 Intubatt system.

FS702 is suitable for a variety of applications: Static & movement linear joints (masonry/flexible wall to masonry/rigid wall/rigid floor/flexible wall) Window & door joints (masonry to timber/steel) FB750 to flexible wall/rigid wall/rigidfloor Cold smoke seal Service penetrations sealing: copper & steel pipes, cable bundles / trays / ladders (with and without FI025 Intuflex Insulation Wrap) FS702 is also suitable for service movement joints (consult Technical Services).

Key Features:

  • Can achieve up to 4 hours joint fire resistance – Tested to EN 1366-4, EN 1366-3 and BS 476 Pt 20-22
  • Ideal for sealing low movement joints – suitable for gaps up to 50 mm wide
  • Suitable for flexible walls and rigid walls & floors
  • Up to 30% movement capability (during fire test)
  • Used for sealing FB750 Coated Fire Batts
  • Acoustics up to 55 dB.
  • Air seal up to 2,000 Pa.
  • Optifire® and Optifire®+ unique traceability identifiers.

Base: Acrylic Caulk

Curing: RTV Curing

Viscosity: Gun applied

Packaging: 310 ml cartridges also available in 600ml Foils.

Technical Data Sheet

Declaration of Conformance

Safety Data Sheet

Nullifire Fire Stopping Brochure

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