Hand Dispensers
Hand Dispensers
Simple manual hand dispensing operations in R&D labs and manual production lines can be accomplished by using some of our simple hand dispensing solutions. These hand dispensers allow you to dispense materials directly for small syringes, cartridges, bottles, and dual cartridges.
Fisnar offers a selection of hand dispensers including options like manual hand dispensers, time and pressure dispense controllers, pinch tube pens and two-part twin cartridge dispensers.
Our Hand Dispensers Range
Manual dual cartridge dispenser for 1:1 and 2:1 50 ml cartridges
General purpose dispense controller
Pneumatically controlled dispense tool for dispensing two-part materials packaged into 50ml cartridges
Manual dual cartridge dispenser range
Manual hand dispenser for low viscosity liquids such as solvents and cyanoacrylates.
The JD927 Volumetric Hand Dispenser is lightweight and comfortable
A versatile precision dispenser with very high reliability
A versatile precision dispenser designed with I/O circuit for integrated automation