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Riepe Edgebanding Solutions

RIEPE Release agent, Antistatic Coolant and Cleaning agents which are specially developed for the RIEPE® spraying systems by RIEPE® themselves. Working very closely with leading machine, edgbanding and adhesive manufacturers RIEPE® ensure their products always meet the latest demands.

Glue residue squeezed out after the application of plastic or veneer edging material spoils the appearance of edgebanded products. This glue residue quickly adheres to the workpiece and its removal requires time-consuming manual work. The attachment of RIEPE release and cleaning agent spraying units guarantees an edge which is absolutely free of glue.

Key Products include:

LPZ/11 Release Agent - Clear

NLFY Release Agent - Green

ANTISTATIC Cooling LP289 - Blue

Cleaning Agent 163/93 - Red

Release Agent LP120/12 - Transparent

Riepe Products

RIEPE Antistatic Coolant WZG/12

Riepe Antistatic Coolant for Acrylic Edges - Blue

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