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Air Tightness Range

The airtightness of a dwelling, or its air permeability, is expressed in terms of air leakage in cubic meters per hour per square meter of the dwelling envelope area when the building is subjected to a differential pressure of 50 Pascals (m3/(h.m2) @ 50Pa). The dwelling envelope area is defined in this context as the total area of all floors, walls and ceilings bordering the dwelling, including elements adjoining other heated or unheated spaces. Air leakage is defined as the flow of air through gaps and cracks in the building fabric. Uncontrolled air leakage increases the amount of heat loss as warm air is displaced through the envelope by colder air from outside. Air leakage of warm damp air through the building structure can also lead to condensation within the fabric (interstitial condensation), which reduces insulation performance and causes fabric deterioration.

ECT Adhesives work in partnership with Tremco Illbruck to bring to the market a number of key products inclusing Membranes, Tapes, Sealants and Foams to assist with meeting current building regulations. We introduce the i3 System:

Air Tightness Range Products

Tremco Illbruck AA290 PU Solvent Cleaner Aerosol

Cleaning of PU foam applicators and removal of uncured PU Foam.

Soft, flexible open cell PU foam, impregnated with an acrylic based, UV stabilised resin

Single-sided air & weather tight seal adhesive tape-Interior & Exterior use

Vapour permeable polyester, Airtight and Watertight full façade breather membrane 1500 mm x 50 m log

Façade sealant for external & internal use according to DIN EN 15651-1, Class 20HM.

Impregnated tape encapsulated before use in a tear-off, polypropylene film with a bonding adhesive on one side for installation.

Excellent elasticity, Air Tightness & Acoustic properties Membrane.

High strength, tear resistant membrane providing an air-tight and weather-tight seal

EPDM membrane-weather sealing joint between window or façade & adjacent…

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