
The Power to Imagine series - Robotics at affordable prices for the world we live in!

In the world we now live in with social distancing playing a very important role, particularly in the manufacturing environment where working from home is not possible, robots are becoming more important than ever.

ECT Adhesives are proud to be the distributor for the Fisnar range of robotic dispense systems in Ireland.  We supply the full range of equipment, from small 200 x 200 mm 3 axis benchtop robots, to full 5 axis 800 mm x 600 mm assembly line systems.

Robotic dispensing ensures a highly repeatable and extremely accurate method of dispensing while also freeing up highly valuable operators to work in other areas of your business.

In addition to supplying the robotics that you require to automate your dispensing application, we also supply the full range of Fisnar dispensing valves, reservoirs, controllers and dispensing consumables.

Please see some examples of the robotic systems we can offer below.

Fisnar F4200N.2 Benchtop Robot


200 mm x 200 mm Compact Benchtop Robot


Fisnar F4000 Series Robots

Extremely Durable Robotic systems with a variety of working areas


Fisnar F1300N Rotary Table 

Benchtop system for dispensing exact circular patterns


We are more than happy to call to demonstrate these products and show how we can make your workplace safer and more efficient.

Just reply to this email and we can can discuss how ECT adhesives can help you.

ECT Adhesives- The Power to Imagine a better manufacturing future.

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