The Power to Imagine series – New Hot Melt Potting Compounds

Protecting electronic devices from the ingress of moisture and other materials, and staking larger components to add strength to them is very important to ensure a long working life for any device.  

Traditionally this was done by using either an Epoxy or a Polyurethane compound which could be chemically cured ( two part systems ).  Other options were heat cured systems, single part light curing products or RTV and heat cured silicones.

Power adhesives have now developed a hot melt potting compound which is extremely easy for the operator to use and this product offers a very good alternative to the traditional systems mentioned above.

Hot melts can be and extremely fast and easy solution for potting and encapsulating electronic components in certain applications, these products come in very convenient 12 mm slugs which can be dispensed cleanly and efficiently from one of the many Power Adhesives hot melt gun options.


Power adhesives electronics potting hot melt brochure

We are more than happy to call to you and demonstrate this product and show how we can make your products better and your workplace more efficient.

Just reply to this email and we can discuss how ECT adhesives can help you.

ECT Adhesives – The Power to Imagine a better manufacturing future.

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