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The Power to Imagine series – Completely Non-Hazardous Thread Lockers, Nut Lockers and Pipe Sealants!

We offer a complete range of completely Non-Hazardous Thread Lockers, Nut Lockers, Thread Sealers, Retainers and Pipe Sealants from Bondchem to help ensure our customers can maintain the best seals on their pipes and fittings.

Their white label range of product are produced from the latest non-hazardous technology incorporating a bespoke group of high purity raw materials.

This unique future-proof technology ensures that the product label requires no hazard symbols or risk and safety phrases and enables the product to comply with even the most stringent health and safety requirements while not compromising on the final bond strength.

We are more than happy to call to demonstrate these products and show how we can make your workplace safer and more efficient.

Just reply to this email and we can discuss how ECT adhesives can help you.

ECT Adhesives- The Power to Imagine a better manufacturing future.

Bondchem WR 18

High strength medium viscosity retaining compound.
Low Strength Thread locker.
Oil tolerant medium strength thread locker.
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