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The Power to Imagine series – A thermally conductive adhesive for heat sensitive components!

Elecolit® 6607 is an epoxy resin-based adhesive filled with aluminium oxide. It is a one-component adhesive and due to its flow characteristics, it can be applied by dispenser, screen printing or spatula.

Since Elecolit® 6607 cures at temperatures as low as 80°C, even heat-sensitive components can be bonded together. Curing at higher temperatures will shorten the curing time.

After curing, the light grey adhesive insulates electrically and provides excellent heat dissipation.

Due to its properties, Elecolit® 6607 is particularly suitable for bonding metal components and heat sinks to electronic circuit boards.

Eleocolit 6607

Elecolit 6607

Is a single part epoxy adhesive that heat cures at temperatures as low as 80°C for use on heat-sensitive components.

It can be processed via dispenser, screen printing or spatula.


We are more than happy to call to you and demonstrate this product and show how we can make your products better and your workplace more efficient.

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ECT Adhesives – The Power to Imagine a better manufacturing future.


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